Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The Dragons and the Dungons - or was that Dungons and Dragons?

This last saturday, Duane and I were 'initiated' into the Dungons and Dragons experience!!!

This game is no joke! It's seriously involving and full of role playing, ton's of little dice that have too many sides to count, little figurines, and a board that you can draw landscapes on. For years in High School I had friends invite me to 'dungons and dragons' parties, and I always wondered what it was all about - and now I have an idea!

Here is Duane with Rella, Nikki is peaking out from behind Duane, Next to Nikki is Mike (her husband) then there is Nick, and closest to the front on the other side is Kat (that is his nickname, his real name is. . . Matt?) Anyways, it was fun to eat chips and chocolate and laugh until we cried. THANKS you guys for a fun saturday.

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