Monday, May 24, 2010

Let me paint a picture for you

As I usually do on Mondays, I was loading mounds of laundry into the basket with wheels to take down to the laundry room on the first floor. Usually, Rella gets the best seat as she rides on top of the basket in her carrier. Today has been a very hot, humid day (beautiful for Chicago) and Rella was a little grumpy at being so hot, so on the way to the elevator I took off her beautiful long-sleeve outfit to let her "ride free" thinking "Hey, It's Monday, there won't be THAT many people riding the service elevator" Haha.

Well, Much to Rella's delight and my embarrassment there were plenty of riders in the elevator. Including large group of very sweet, polite window washers complete with their harnesses and rope. I hadn't expected to see many people, so of course I was without makeup, with my usual 'fuzzy bun' and a thrown together outfit, looking rather pathetic if you ask me. Well, these window washers couldn't have been more congenial, a group of about six men (about my age) gathered around Rella's cart (there she was in her naked beauty, except for a diaper) and commensed oohhing and aahhhing at her. Well she just SOAKED it UP! She started making some of the loudest comments (in the form of "baaaahhhhwaaaa laaaaaaa, aaahhh, you know, the usual) and w0wed her audience. I wish I could have taken a picture of all these muscular, serious looking men gathered around a naked Rella giving her all the attention she could ever want.

As I have sat down to write this, she is making disgruntled sounds like "hey mom! Where did all those cute guys go?" Maybe one will swing by our window sometime soon :)


Leah said...

ha ha ha, watch out, she is already wowing the male gender, you are in for it!

Ginger said...

I would have LOVED witnessing that elevator ride. Are you sure it's not posted somewhere on YouTube?

Grandma Ginger