Sunday, May 16, 2010

My Favorite Museum

Chicago has an amazing variety of Museums to enjoy. Within walking distance of our home, we can visit: The Shedd Aquarium, The Chicago Museum of Art, The Museum of Modern Art, The Adler Planetarium, and the Field Museum. There are even "Nature Museums" but I have to draw the line somewhere :) There is one Museum, however, outside of "Museum Campus" that is makes getting in the car worth it:

The Museum of Science and Industry
has weeks worth of entertaining material for the curious mind. Duane and I decided to invest in a membership, and haven't regretted it in the least. It is fast becoming our 'weekend retreat' where we can learn about everything from storms

They call this exhibit "Science Storms". There is even replica of a tornado! This last week we visited an exhibit that almost made me sick . . .

Do you remember "Bodies" the exhibit the toured around the United States a while back? This exhibit similarly displays all you could ever want to see . . . and more (not in the objectionable sense, but in the "WOW, I didn't know the heart looked like that" sense)

It was especially neat to see cross-sections of real once-alive humans

You can see why you might need to take a break after an exhibit like this! There was so much more, but I'll just say it was fascinating, educational, and interactive in ways that make this museum a dynamic learning place.

Duane and I choose a new exhibit to peruse every time we visit, and since exhibits are always changing, there is always something new to see! I love Chicago!

1 comment:

Ginger said...

This stuff looks really cool!

My next visit, I hope.