Wednesday, June 30, 2010

GETCO Family Picnic 2010

This year Getco hosted their annual family picnic at the field museum:

It was a sunny day, and someone did an excellent job of planning the picnic. First Duane and I walked through the museum. Here I am running with the natives (silly Kelty)

They had some great activities on the patio of the museum: fondue, rock climbing, watching the soccer championship, face painting (In my case, arm painting), and a jumping game. They had a "Jungle" theme - even with the cookies!

The photographer took some pictures, I will post some of Duane, Rella and I when we get copies! Thanks Getco for a great Saturday! (Oh! did I mention they had all the ice cream novelties you could eat? My new favorite is "strawberry shortcake" Popsicle)

1 comment:

Ginger said...

Hey, KG, looks like you're right back down to your Pre-baby Body. Cute shot of you.
