Saturday, June 19, 2010

Utah Family Reunion

During the first week of June, Duane and I had the spendiferous opportunity to spend some time with family. Duane created this video to memorialize some of our time together - I MUST highlight his videography abilities - and I will be telling some more in an upcoming post.

Lewis-Woolley Gathering 2010 from Duane Johnson on Vimeo.

In the Video you will see:

My Mother - Ginger

My Brother and Family- Arian and Jill with Kenneth and Audrey

My Sister and Family - Leah and Cody with Brinley, Avery, and Aspen

And that really awkward couple with their cute baby Rella (how do these people keep getting invited?)


Claire Taylor said...
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Claire Taylor said...

Sorry I removed that post, because I misspelled something, and it bugged me. What I meant to say was "how do these people keep getting invited?" I love it. You are hilarious.