Thursday, September 9, 2010

Shakespeare, Hot Springs, and other Utah Favorites!

While in Utah, Rella and I had an Awesome time visiting Grandma Ginger (or "G-G" for short :) and experiencing several other amazing events!

Rella and I hopped on the train to O'hare airport Thursday (Sept. 2nd) in the morning.

Then Grandma Ginger was waiting at the SLC airport with open arms (and several yummy things to eat, as usual) to take Rella and I back to Provo. I like to refer to my growing-up home as my 'sanctuary' - because when I get to visit there, I have a sense of peace, and belonging, that is unique to a place that is home in one's heart.

Friday morning, Rella, Grandma Ginger, and I picked up Bonnie (or 'Bonsie' as we nicknamed her with fondness early on in the friendship) and we drove down to the

A yearly tradition for the Family since I was a little girl (so many good memories) Friday evening, while Bonsie cared for Rella (Thank you Bonsie!!!) Mom and I watched

"The Merchant of Venice" - on the outdoor Globe theater stage

Such a great production of the age old tale about a Jewish lender and his Christian debtor. When the debtor defaults, the Jewish lender insists on his 'pound of flesh' owed upon forfeit. The Jewish Lender (shylock) has many reasons why he feels intense hatred towards his Christian Lendee, but when he insists on taking a pound of flesh from the heart of his debtor - a court decides the fate of both lender and borrower.

Here is a picture of Shylock

One scene near the end of the production

And the classic "Lovers" in all of Shakespeare's plays

Don't they have such rich and detailed costumes?

The following morning, Bonsie, Mom, Rella and I headed to the acclaimed "Pah Tempe" Hot springs in Hurricane, Utah. It was gorgous (Thanks mom for the Awesome pictures!) Rella was quiet as an observer during the entire adventure, and near the end caught on to the glee of the moment and started splashing around in the river that was so high I had to
swim at some points.

Rella and I heading down to the river

And a striking picture of my traveling companions (Thanks to mom for putting the entire trip together - it was wonderful!)

Following our Pah-Tempe adventure, we headed back to Ceder City to see "Much Ado about Nothing" set in a wine-distillery. It is a great comedy to begin with, but the actors outdid themselves with making me laugh.

After enjoying a drive back to Provo, I spend my last days with other good friends (thanks to mom's babysitting abilities) More on that coming soon!

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