Monday, October 4, 2010

A tripp-y year :)

Duane and I were talking last night, and began to marvel about the trips we've enjoyed this year. Since this blog is also a sort of Diary, I wanted to highlight this year as

  1. Banff, Canada - Duane, Kelty and Rella spend a week with Duane's family (Grandma Beth, brothers Chris and Dan, and sisters Sarah and Amber) at a cabin in the British Columbia wilderness. Forays into the forest included: Jumping into ice cold lakes, visiting radium hot springs, and many nights with music around the campfire :)
  2. Provo, Utah - Kelty and Rella spend a week visiting Grandpa Gordon, Aunt Mel, and other good friends. Rella's getting to be a 'frequent flyer' now :)
  3. Oakley, Utah - Duane, Kelty and Rella spend a week at the Woolley Cabin with Brother Arian and Family, Sister Leah and Family, and 'Grandma Ginger'. 4-wheeling and camping trips were just the tip of the family fun iceberg!
  4. Columbus, OH - Kelty and Rella drove to Visit Leah and Cody with daughters: Brinley, Avery and Aspen
  5. Portland, OR - Duane attends a computer languages conference (OSCON - Open Source Conference, as Duane corrects me) in the beautiful city of Portland for his company.
  6. Fat Blossom Farm, Michigan - Duane, Kelty and Rella go for a weekend camping trip with fellow church members!
  7. San Fransisco California - Duane and Brother Danny attend a conference about the future called the 'Singularity Summit' for Duane's Birthday!!!
  8. Provo, Utah - Kelty and Rella Visit Grandma Ginger and attend the Ceder City Shakesperean Festival with Grandma and Bonsie, then go to the Pah Temp hot springs, and then do some visiting with Aunt Mel and Riding at Oak Hills Stable. Rella is near achieving her Elite Platinum Frequent Flier status so she can be first in line.
But wait!! The year is not done yet!!

Richmond, Virginia - This Thursday (in 2 days!) Rella and Kelty are headed to Virginia to visit Kelty's daddy (Gordon) and Kelty's Grandma Lewis - she can't wait!! Also, for a day, Kelty and Rella are renting a car (Rella said she would go halfsies with me) to visit Kelty's childhood friend Ann!

AND ANNOUNCING - (excited cry of glee) a Trip to
London, England Oct. 19th through the 27th for Duane, Kelty, and Rella! YES it's true! Kelty's long time dream of visiting the Original Shakespeare Globe Theater is coming to fruition!! You can bet there will be more updates on THAT.

1 comment:

Ginger said...

Wow. That's A LOT of TRIPPIN'!