Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Wrapping up Utah Trip (Sept. 2nd through 7th)

Utah WAS memorable, I've just been neglecting my blogposts lately. I apologize to you, my dedicated readers, for I know you have just been hanging on, asking yourself before going to bed each night "When is Kelty going to finish telling us about her most recent trip? oh when?!"

Well, here I am, In all my glory, to tell you about the last bit of our most memorable trip to Utah. You can now breathe a sigh of relief.

After the Shakespeare Festival in Ceder City (a few posts ago) I had a wonderful day to visit some of my equine and human friends:

Labor day Rella and I enjoyed visiting with My Aunt Mel. After being a teacher for MANY years, (and I must mention that not one of her students forgets her, for there have been several times when we are 'out on the town together' and a guy or gal comes up to us saying 'Miss Lewis!!' and telling us about how they remember her) She is now a Computer Lab Teacher - And I must say it is the type of lab I would have ABSOLUTELY LOVED when I was little, just look at the fun decorations!

That's not all, every day that kids come in, there are fun projects that they do on their shiny new macs ranging from making online pictures, to accessing the Internet, to learning how to produce online works of art. It's really incredible. I think my Aunt Mel has reached 'celebrity status' at her school.

Here are some more pictures of the decorations :) I don't know if you can read it, but each little creature has a cute saying like "Use soft paws the key board" and "Purr loudly, hiss quietly"

And, Here's for YOU Aunt Mel. Thank you for a wonderful day and showing us around, we love you!! Here is a picture I thought you might like :) Even though you don't get alot of 'monies' for the hard work you do - there are hundreds of kid's touched by your influence.

That afternoon, I also visited Oak Hills stable, and enjoyed a most wonderful ride with my favorite instructor, Maryann Ford, and one of my other favorite furry companions - Moroni :)

While I was off gallivanting in the verdant green hills of Salem, Rella was getting some 'chummy' time with Grandma Ginger and 'Chica' - These pictures were taken by Grandma Ginger. Thank you for the beautiful pictures, and thank you for taking care of Rella so I could go have fun!!!

At first she wasen't sure if she liked this whole 'dog' thing

But then she fell head over heels for the furry compadre

Who wouldn't?

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