Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Arrived in London!!!!

AHHHHH!!!! THIS IS AMAZING - I am very happy to report the following:

  • Rella did great on her 7 hour flight
  • People really DO drive on the other side of the Road here!!
  • Our hotel is RIGHT by St. Pauls Cathedral - pict's coming soon
  • These sweet ladies just came by the room and asked "would you like evening service?" and I stared at them a little stupidly (probably looked a little lost) and finally asked "what is evening service?" and they said it's where they "put down the bed covers" Wow - talk about service! However, I told them I was fine (I think I can pull down my own covers, thank you :)
  • People here have the most wonderful accents (or, they probably think I'm the one with the accent)

More coming soon - this place truly is amazing - I feel like I've been transported to another time.


victoria said...

Im sooo excited for you guys! Im excited to see pictures!

Leah said...

Hey, I just got home a few hours ago and was happy to see a little post about the far. Can't wait to hear more!

Ginger said...

I just got back from Moab and jumped to turn on the computer and hope for news from my traveling kiddos.

NOT disappointed. Three great posts. Thanks, Kelty!