Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Babies and Time Zones

While adults can moderately adjust to a 6-hour difference in time zones, Babies cannot. This little tidbit of information came to me at about 2:30am the first night in London (lol) Thus, while Mr. Duane needs as much sleep as possible to complete his mission here in London, I have been using my creativity to keep Rella as happy as possible through the night.

Rella usually goes to sleep between 1 and 2 am, London time. The best part about this is that she is asleep in the morning until about noon! That means this momma can put her little girl in a stroller and stroll around London. The difficult thing about this is that there is only so much to be done in a hotel room that is entertaining for a 9 month-old. I do my best


Chels said...

What a big girl! Sitting up and everything! I didn't realize she was already 9 months old!!! Crazy! And, may I ask, what is that contraption you have tied above her head???

Love ya! Glad you're having fun in London!!!

Zehlia said...

You should win an award for your creativity--this toliet paper contraption really made me laugh. I love seeing London through your eyes....keep up the good work on your amazing blog.

Ginger said...

Our little Rella will probably adjust to the new time zone just in time for you to come home.

You certainly ARE using your creativity to keep this pip squeak entertained during those late night hours!

Can't wait to hear the stories . . .

Love, Mom