Saturday, October 23, 2010

London, England

Rella - the good sport

Ell - oh!! (Imagine a British accent, a very British British accent)

Yay for first timers! Duane and I have been unabashed tourists these past few days in "The City of Cities" Duane had an opportunity to go to the GETCO London office on Business, and we made a family trip out of it!

The trip over: Wednesday Oct. 19th

Picture of Duane and Rella resting up right before we left - aaawwwhhh

All morning we packed, and Duane worked from home on his Laptop

At 3:30 a car came to pick us up and take us to O'hare Airport

We had the most interesting conversation with our Italian Cab Driver about his youth, and how he lives with his father in "Little Italy" Chicago. It's true that Italian Families often stick together!

At 6:30 we left from O'Hare on a United Flight Boeing 767


These are HUGE airplanes! At least, this is the first time I've been on a 767. They have 7 seats in a row, and each seat has it's own Screen with movies. Of course, we didn't do much Movie watching as Rella was very excited about her new experience. She slept most of the night on our 7 hour flight (direct) to the Heathrow Airport, and I watched the segments from the same three movies (The newest Twilight, The newest Toy Story, and Mary Poppins) over and over again throughout the night (they were just replaying, lol)

Compact Packing for International Travel (Compact for US!)

When I watched Mary Poppins I thought of my Mom, who LOVES the film, and how perfect it was to watch a film from London on the way there. (By the way, HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM!!!)

We arrived in London at 8:30 AM (London Time) the following Morning, very tired. We had a 2 hour 'cabby' ride over, and let me tell you, I was GLAD he was driving and NOT ME. (In addition to the fact I was 'asleep on my feet' if you know what I mean)

Duane getting some Pounds in the UK!

All the vehicles there are tall and skinny to fit the narrow roads. It's quite a sight! Rella was a VERY good sport about it all, if you ask me.

Skinny Cars, and generally skinny people too!

Our Hotel is right in the Heart of London, STEPS away from:

St. Paul's Cathedral

The days melded together, and Duane left for work shortly after we arrived at the Hotel. First, however, we found some seriously British food to eat. "Bangers and Mash" but not on a plate like some boring people might eat it (lol) this sandwich touts "Your entire meal on bread". Well, it really was an entire meal on bread!

Thus our adventure begins.

1 comment:

Ginger said...

I can't believe that your hotel is right next to St. Pauls! You are certainly in the heart of London. How cool is that?!

Love, Mom