Sunday, October 24, 2010


There are many!!!

(Kelty in front of Thames River, pronounced 'tems'. On one side is the famous 'Millennium Bridge' as seen in Harry Potter, and right above my head is the dome of St. Paul's Cathedral)

The Globe Theater

The Outside of the Globe Theater

The Globe Stage

While we were taking our 'tour' we happened to catch a rehearsal taking place. . .

The 'Horse' in the Scene did some amazing Dressage!

Behind me is The Globe Theater Timeline

Some Globe Facts
  • There were actually 3 Globe Theaters
  • The first one burned down after a spark from a stage effect for a cannonball caught the thatched roof on fire. No one was killed, but an unfortunate gentleman caught his britches on fire and they put it out with ale
  • The modern Globe is build almost exactly like the first, and only a few minutes walk away from the original site.
  • Shakespeare was actually a 'stakeholder' in the Globe, and there many of his plays were made infamous.

The Tate Museum

On Millenium Bridge with the Tate Behind Me

If you've never heard of the Tate, you and I were in the same boat not long ago. Now, however, I can't believe I didn't know about this astounding place! The museum houses 6 floors of the most intriguing, moving, grotesque, and thought provoking art. I can say all that after having toured just one floor (lol)

I should have been a Grecian
Caption "Kelty getting all 'artsy fartsy"

St. Pauls Cathedral

Kelty and Rella in front of the Cathedral
(Notice Rella trying to smile, even though she is overwhelmed by her hat)

The Main Worship Space in the Cathedral

This Anglican Cathedral is 'awe-inspiring' - you have to be there to experience it, because it is difficult to describe. Duane and I attended the 'sung Eucharist' this morning, and truly enjoyed it. The robes, the angelic voices, and the beautiful murals all over the walls and ceilings made for a rich sensory experience. I can see how this is a form of worship for many.

Rella and I underneath the Cathedral in the Tombs
On another day, Rella and I also had a chance to visit the Tombs underneath the Cathedral where thousands have been buried and commemorated. For some, there were large, beautiful monuments. For others, when the price for being buried flat was too high, they were buried standing up. Nevertheless, being buried at this Cathedral has been considered a great honor since the 11th Century. I learned later that I should not have taken this photo - sorry St. Paul's Cathedral!

One of the original London entrances right outside the walls of St. Paul's

Ta-ta for now!

P.S. I'll have to apologize right now for the lack of pictures of Duane. Much of our sightseeing has been while Duane is at work, though we will have more of him coming soon. Do not be discouraged, Duane's loyal fans.


Ginger said...

For years you've wanted to see the Globe Theater and you did it! Right when they were rehearsing. I may have lived in London for a summer, but I never had any mula and I didn't see the Globe Theater. I'm so glad you've been able to do that!

I love the shot of you next to the Grecian statue. A perfect imitation of the pose!

Keep enjoying it. For all of us!

Love, Mom

Jill Lewis said...

Awesome photos! What an amazing experience you've had. Your post has inspired me to enjoy London in person and hopefully in the somewhat near future (beyond looking out of Heathrow's windows which is as close as I have been thus far!) I'm so glad you were able to do this!

Unknown said...

Super awe-some! Thanks for sharing! I love reading up on what you two are doing, and it's even cooler to see pictures (which you are proficient in the use of! Yay!)

Love it! Hope everything was as good as I imagine it was. :D