Saturday, December 18, 2010

Off to School

Yes - I like learning. Duane snapped this shot of me bundled up and ready to head to my last class of fall semester (Can't you just see the "last class of the semester" joy?!)

My Graduate School in Psychology runs on a Trimester Schedule (and no, we don't have a baby at the end - we graduate)

Our three semesters are: Fall, Spring, Summer

Someone, very wise, decided to ax the winter semester, just to help us lift our spirits. However, I must admit, there is something that feels slightly wrong when I walk outside in "spring" semester and it's -7 degrees.

Winter in Chicago - on the left is one of my favorite sculptures in the city. It's a beautiful woman with her arms flung open, though she doesn't have arms but large leaves. Here's another picture of a the same type of sculpture in Chicago against a summer backdrop:

Anyway, This next semester, so all that are interested can know, is spring semester.

My courses this spring:

Adlerian Psychology (Monday Nights)
Professional Development Seminar (Monday night)
Community Service Practicum (Wednesday and Saturday days)

The first two classes are normal "sit in a classroom classes" while the community Service is going to be something special.

I decided I wanted to make these mandatory 200 hours of service in line with my greater goals in life, so I found an equine therapy center about an hour from the city and registered the site with the school so I could serve there. It's called:

Friends for Theraputic Equine Activities (

Take a look! It's an inspiring program.

I've already purchased my insulated boots to be ready for the winter chill - my first day is Jan. 5th. Wish me luck!

1 comment:

Duane Johnson said...

What a great name for an equine therapy center! Aaand... good luck honey!