Thursday, December 9, 2010

Thanksgiving with the Youngs! (Part 2)

Our Stay in Ohio included quality family bonding time:

Haha - No, we didn't spend that much time around the computer. Leah and kids were polite enough to look at all our pictures from London :)

Now I need to tell you something about my Sister - she is a fabulous cook. If you like great food ideas, I would check out her blog

It wasn't always that way, but slowly through the years, she has built up a collection of scrumptious creations she can make at the drop of a hat. Duane and I have always relished the good food we often get to eat at Leah's home, and this thanksgiving was no different. Everything was ready RIGHT ON TIME (harder to do that you might think) and the Turkey was totally moist. Ok, now I'm making myself hungry. I think Duane actually made his stomach go from concave to flat for this meal (teehee) One of Leah's more recent creations:

Here is Miss Brinley (Rella's Cousin) helping Rella walk - Brinley is very talented with babies, and made Rella feel right at home. Thank you Brinley!

We enjoyed staging some productions with our creative nieces! Yes, it does take a man very secure in his manhood to wear a beauty ball gown on his head - thanks for being such a great Uncle Duane.

Duane and I noticed Rella holding the cord of our computer, and Duane remarked "I wonder if babies come wireless?"

Thank you Young's for a truly enjoyable, relaxing Thanksgiving.

1 comment:

Ginger said...

"I think Duane actually made his stomach go from concave to flat for this meal"

You are SOOOOOOO funny!
