Thursday, January 13, 2011

Duane back in London

But he come's back tomorrow!!! Rella and I can't wait :) Duane has become a very savvy traveler since his good old Rock Creek days. I guess I wanted to write a post about him for just that reason: I'm proud of him.

I'm proud of the father that he is, and is becoming. Rella just lights up when she sees him. It just can't be stated enough how wonderful it is to see a caring parent grow with their child.

We all carry our own histories, often laden with some hidden pain, but I'll tell you one thing that can almost always lift the spirit - watching a father and daughter laugh together.

But I digress. . .

Thank you Duane for working so hard, thank you for being a good man, husband, and father. We are excited to see you soon!

Duane at our first home - Union Square in Provo


Mark said...

Kelty! That's totally Pioneer Townhomes. I'd recognize those green laminate countertops anywhere!

Hope all is well.

Kelty said...

Mark!!! You're totally RIGHT! Oh, the shame. . . on a lighter note - how are you and Ali doing? We LOVED the Christmas card.

Leah said...

We SO agree Kelty! Glad you have your husband back. Loved all of the cute pics. of Rella!

Ginger said...

Such a great tribute to Duane! He certainly loves his daughter 200%!

Grandma Ginger

Mel and Nate said...

Hey Kelty! You guys are so cute! And I would love it if you could email me your phone number at I just lost my phone and do not have your number!