Thursday, January 27, 2011

Duane back in London

This January, Duane had a chance to visit London, England again for work at his companies London branch. The week he was there was highlighted with more historic sites and meeting up with friends. One day Duane met up with a childhood friend from Canada, who is currently an artist in London (as well as a clothes designer). The next picture is of Duane in front of a building at Oxford, where he met up with my brother, Arian. Luckily, their trips overlapped and they both had an excelled time over a 'pint' of cranberry juice at the local tavern. :) Finally, there is a picture of some of the horse statues at the tower of London. Of course there must be a horse picture in here somewhere :P

Duane's picture of the London Bridge nearby the Hotel

Of course, there was work :) This is the inside of the Getco London Office

Duane with Brandy Mars, a childhood friend from Canada

Duane at Oxford, where he met up with my brother, Arian

(wooo-hooo Arian for completing his first week of Graduate School at Oxford!!!)

And a shot from inside the Tower of London

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