Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Rella's First Birthday Party!!!

On Jan. 27th Rella officially turned 1, and we had a PAR-TAY.

Of course, it was all for Rella, who won't remember a thing (except, perhaps, eating the cake) and it had nothing to do with her mom's secret desire to have a my little pony coloring contest, or eat costco cake, or meet up with friends and play loud music while dancing.

It most certainly had nothing to do with Rella's parents wanting to have a cake fight amidst giggles at the end of the night.

Nope - it was all for her ;)

Birthday Song

Rella eating her cake

AND. . . a little bit of Lion King dancin'

("And they were dancin' and shakin' and movin' to the groovin' and just when it hit me, somebody turned around and shouted 'play that funky music white boy')

Does anyone else like that song? Is it in your head now?

Due to technical difficulties (for realsies) I cannot post the cake fight right now. As soon as my computer wiz returns from California, and thumps on the computer a couple of times, then I will be able to post the epic battle. Hold onto your hats, folks.

THANK YOU to all of those who were able to make it - it was a memorable night :)

1 comment:

Ginger said...

I just watched the paaa-ty video clips again. You were so Johnny-on-the-Spot to blow out that candle just a millisecond before Miss Rella could grab the flame! Good work, Mom!!!

Now, I want to see the Walking Action!!!

Grandma Ginger