Thursday, September 30, 2010

Things to do with Daddy

Duane is such a dedicated daddy, and often spends his evenings giving me a break, and also Rella a chance to laugh and play. Our new tradition is reading together in the evening - I sure hope Rella likes Science Fiction!

Here is Daddy reading to Rella and Mommy

Here is Rella acting like she is listening, but really testing the cranial weight bearing capacity of her skull (sorry it's upside down)

OTHER great activities with Daddy:

Being pulled around by daddy on a blanket and laughing one's guts out

Imitating daddy's intense focus on the computer

testing the weight bearing capacity of the 2,000 dollar computer keyboard while doing the splits (ooooohhhhhh! Aaaaaaahhhhhh! Clap clap clap)

And spending roughly the same amount of time fascinated with the computer as daddy (ok, ok, almost done with the computer pictures . . )

When Duane and i are both in a pinch to get something done, we have a
LIFESAVER which I have appropriately deemed the "over stimulation station" (thank you, thank you, thank you LEAH and CODY for lending this handy little piece of equipment) Rella loves to bang everything within reach on this little pod.

Duane is also great at opening up Rella's palate to new tastes: Here is her first strawberry (NO, my child is NOT rabid - thank you very much - that is whipped cream. Hmmfph) with an interesting look on her face, like, 'whaaat is this?'

She has a great view while eating of the sailboats outside the window

and LAST but not LEAST - the very vogue 'Spinich Goatee'


Leah said...

I love your posts! The writing totally cracks me up every time. Seeing Rella do the splits near/on the computer was hilarious. I wish I could come swim with her. I want to squeeze my little niece!

Ginger said...

I love the "Over Stimulation Station"! Funny.

Also, WAY COOL to see her sitting on the table with sailboats out the window.

Did Duane do the little goatee?

Grandma Ginger

Claire Taylor said...

Hahahaha! Kelty, you are hilarious.

Sarah said...

Okay, that is a LOT of cuteness! What a doll!