Sunday, October 3, 2010

A visit from Arian!

This last weekend, my brother Arian visited us for a day (yes, he is rather travel savvy, and flew in from Las Vegas for a Wednesday evening meeting, and then stayed on thursday to hang out) Rella loves her Uncle!

Thursday morning Arian and I hopped over to Julius Meinl - the most wonderful place in Chicago for Nutella Crepes! Then Arian and Duane had lunch while I hosted a booth at my schools "Student Organization Fair" (More on my involvement in this student organization coming soon) and after lunch right by the sears tower, Arian and I spent the afternoon connecting, lounging, and had a dinner out at a great italian restaurant (although we both picked this interesting looking italian soft drink that turned out tasting like cough syrup) just before Arian left - we toured the Chicago cultural center where President Obama was just weeks before! While there we ran into an amazing Indian Festival, and I seriously considered getting a henna tattoo.

Thanks for coming Arian!!! We loved having you :)

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