Thursday, November 4, 2010

London - A few last pictures

Our little family enjoyed an evening walk along the river "Thames" (Pronounced 'tems')

London Bridge:

London is an EXPERIENCE with FOOD :

This whole foods cafe became my favorite

I'm beginning to understand why I saw
very few individuals with weight problems - the food is so good in London! It's delicious AND healthy - what an idea, eh?

A sushi restaurant where you get your food off a conveyor belt!!! So fun

This is a picture of the Entrance to Duane's Work Place - it was a beautiful building! About a 5 minute walk from our hotel, Rella and I came to visit the office on our last day.

Duane in front of an actual Church wall from Hundreds of years ago
There is history everywhere in this city!

The Obelisk inscription:

The Obelisk quarried at Syene was erected at Heliopolis by the Pharaoh Thothmes III about 1500 B.C.

At the Heathrow Airport before our 9-hour flight back to Chicago - Rella enjoyed this life size teddy bear dressed as a train conductor.

Rella doing last minute souvenir shopping at the airport.
She was a champ on the flight home (even though it was VERY bumpy coming into Chicago)


Jill Lewis said...

Kelty, this is fabulous-what fun memories. Also, high five for your creativity with Rella and handling the time change. I hate to admit it, but our creativity (or rather lack of) when traveling internationally with our 9 month old included just one thing: infant benadryl!

Ginger said...

I love those luscious shots of you and Duane in front of the London bridge at night. Maybe you could frame them?

You WERE a trooper to manage that entire trip with little Rella. My cousin was totally amazed that you were able to do that.

Good work, all around!

Love, Mom