Thursday, December 2, 2010

Duane's anti-sugar movement

Have you ever noticed that when your spouse starts to eat more healthily it effects your eating too?! Well, I am lucky to have such a conscientious spouse, because I have a definite craving for sugars.
Daaaahhhh! Don't judge him YET - let me explain. In order to motivate us to eat NO DESSERTS for awhile, we have decided to reward ourselves at the end of a long period with a spulrge - this is Duane's 'splurge': A 'rainbow' cone that is famous here in Chicago. After buying the cone, we enjoyed a family picnic at the concert in the park

1 comment:

Ginger said...

Did Duane REALLY eat that?

How is the park lawn so green in December?

Looks like a fabulous family outing!