Thursday, December 9, 2010

Thanksgiving with the Youngs!

This Thanksgiving, Duane and I were delighted to be invited to visit with my sister Leah and her family for the

We packed up the car (and Rella) and enjoyed the 7 hour drive from Chicago, IL to Columbus, Oh. We broke up the trip with a surprise trip to a Bed and Breakfast that Duane arranged.

It was an INCREDIBLE old house in Indiana that was run by a former Actor - PLUS my favorite part of many B and B's: Open Snacks :D

Duane and I enjoy learning about homes and the people who lived in them, a tradition that started with our first spontaneous Bed and Breakfast stay in Butte, Montana. This one is called the "Copper king Mansion" because it was pretty much made from money during the copper rush in Butte. Amazing experience.

When we arrived, we were greeted with Enthusiasm! Rella was SO excited to get OUT of the car - Here she is with the Mr. Cody:

Our greeting included several AMAZING handstands! (sorry about the poor quality, but you can still see the amazing-ness)

More about this trip coming soon!

1 comment:

Ginger said...

I have been a fan of B & Bs for years & years. Even better to check in with your honey!!! The personal nature of a B & B is so completely different from a Marriott and it's usually cheaper.

LOVE those headstands my granddaughters do so ably!
