Thursday, February 3, 2011

What do Chicago and California have in common?

This week there was a Johnson in both places!

Duane ventured over to California for a computer conference with several GETCO Co-workers (dosen't he look happy? Computer conferences tend to do that to duane :)
And thanks to our wonderful friends, Sashi and David, he had a cozy home while there.

While here in Chicago a blizzard kept things lively. News reports deemed it the worst blizzard in the Chicago area since 1967.

I must say, it was a sight to see many of the grocery stores shelves empty when I went grocery shopping a few days after the blizzard. We were lucky and didn't loose any power, though I heard that several other buildings along lake Shore did.

Wednesday evening the blizzard hit it's peak - while our building shuddered (and mothers in our building emailed back and forth to discuss how much the building seemed to be swaying) the major highway right beside our home looked like this:

If you look closely, you can see our building in the background of this video - it's the tall black one.

Rest assured - all is well. The streets have been plowed, and Rella had her first romp in the snow. Duane returns home from sunny California tomorrow - I'll make sure he knows all the fun he missed :)


Duane Johnson said...

Wow, thanks for posting the video, honey! I had no idea what I missed this week until I saw the cars and wall of snow on Lakeshore Drive.

Leah Florence said...

Oh no! You're all alone in a blizzard. be safe!