Monday, April 5, 2010

Rella's FIRST road trip

After my brother Arian visited over the weekend, Rella and I packed up the trusty old Rav4 and headed to Ohio to see LEAH and her sweet girls. Leah came to visit US right after Rella was born, so it was our turn to visit her :)

Leah is beautiful: Inside and out

Funny Story: Usually the drive from Chicago to Columbus Ohio is about 5 hours. Before rushing out the door Tuesday morning, I printed my map, choosing the most direct route, and packed Rella up into the car. What I DIDN'T know (haha) is that the route I chose was the "Scenic Route" Complete with
every friggin country road in Indiana! It was quite funny actually, and no, my force field didn't save me.

So, Anyway, after 11 hours of driving, I finally arrived safe and sound at Leah's home that night. Rella was a sweetheart, but we were both greatly relieved when we stepped in the door.

All three neices were delighted to meet their new cousin - baby Rella

Brinley Age 6

Avery Age 3

Aspen Age 1

What a lucky girl Rella is to have these cousins!!!

While we were there we enjoyed swimming, delicious food, crafts, and great family time :)

Thank you Leah, Brinley, Avery, and Aspen!


Leah Florence said...

It's so fun to have family to visit! I am glad Rella did so well and that you had such a good time, she is getting to be so beautiful!

Leah said...

Ha, ha, I'm seriously cracking up at your description of the drive out here and that picture of the cat. Oh you are so sweet Kelty, we all love you dearly!