Monday, April 19, 2010

Rella's first swim lesson and other hilarities

Thank you Jill for the swimming suit ! I think Rella is a cutie, she makes me think of little kittens like this:

The following video was taken during the morning when Rella often has several 'monologues'

Yep, I'm shameless. I'll post tons more pictures of Rella, this is just the beginning!!! (maniacal laugh) On another note. . . Spring Semester is OVER and I am that much closer to my Graduate Degree :D Now that is a good feeling.



Leah said...

I just love your witty writing. Your blog always brings a smile to my day!

Jill Lewis said...

So cute Kelty. What a good natured baby you've got. I wish you were a hop-skip-and-a-jump away so I could snatch Rella away for a bit!