Monday, August 23, 2010

Chicago Visitors!

Thought this blog post is late in the grand picture, it is still fresh on my mind :)

Jill my Sister-in-law and her daughter, Audrey came to visit us in the city (The two gals in this awesome family picture)

what a great couple of days! We had our usual late night talks, and Duane visited with us before going off to his Artificial Intelligence conference in San Fransisco (more coming on that soon). Here pictured with Audrey at another family event:

Saturday morning we visited the chopping block for a "Chicken 101 Class". Seriously folks, I've never seen so many ways to make a chicken in my LIFE! Each group made about 4 different chicken dishes, and Jill volunteered to do the hard stuff (for which I was greatly relieved, considering I might have mixed the kitchen chemicals instead of the pesto) and we had a great feast afterwards. (sorry this picture is a little dark, but Jill is still radiant regardless)

Of course we visited Millenium Park and enjoyed some outdoor symphony

And Rella and I now have a picture of us outside the famous "Bean" in the Park - can you believe it?

Thanks for coming Jill - You and Audrey made our week! Thanks for Making the trek out here :)


Zehlia said...

Your family is so awesome--I love reading about how much you enjoy being together and fun activities. When I need a pick me up, I turn to your blog. Thanks for sharing.

Kelty said...

Thank you Zehlia!

It's exhilirating to know you enjoy the blog - thanks for letting me know :)