Monday, August 23, 2010

Visiting Daddy for Lunch

When Rella and I are needing a walk (or, more exactly, when Rella needs a 'sit' and I need a 'walk') We enjoy some lunch rendevous with Duane.

Here are some of our favorite lunch places in the heart of the city:

this is a 'fast-food' asian place that specializes in different kinds of dumplings - yum!

My personal favorite - seriously good sandwiches and shakes, and there is usually live entertainment too!

Another GREAT sandwich place, specializing in fresh sandwiches (hate to say it, but Subway has a big competitor)

And my new favorite, Soprafinna, a very fresh italian place. Have I tempted you to come to Chicago yet?!! :)

Here is Daddy and his favorite little girl at Potbellys last week :

Her cuteness overwhelms me!


Jill Lewis said...

What fun updates! Thanks for your fun post about our trip out there (you did just as much, if not more "hard stuff" than I did at the cooking class! What fun it was too!). Sure love you all!

Leah said...

Her cuteness is quite overwhelming for sure and yes you have tempted me to come out again for sure. I think it's my turn to venture out your way next right. Let's start brainstorming on how to make it work.

Mel and Nate said...
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Mel and Nate said...

Hey Kelty! Congratulations on your beautiful daughter! I have to meet her! We just got back from being in Seattle all summer. We also need to plan a lunch date and make our husbands watch the kids:) We are obsessed with Potbellys! Love ya!