Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Swimming With Rella

Rella has developed a taste for swimming (actually, it really is a taste, for when I turn my back just for a second, she manages to dip her head down and gulp up a little water every time!)

Rella has learned that when I or Duane says "Kick, Kick" with a high pitched voice, that means that she has to kick her legs! she actually gets going when she is in the pool.

I also love the pool at the bottom of our building because A) it is often empty B) Immaculately clean and C) has very little chlorine. Rella and I go just about every other day.

A success every time! She also loves the shower at the end of the swim in the locker rooms, and is very brave in sticking her head right under the flow of water! I'll try to get a video sometime of this little mermaid.

1 comment:

Ginger said...

So great that little Rella has frequent opportunities to swim! So convenient for you both.

YOU like it. SHE likes it. Great matching of interests!

Love those shots of her all wrapped up in a towel.