Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Rella's Fine Motor Skills

To watch Rella discovering the world is. . . well, thrilling. Humbling. Beautiful.

On her tricycle with her favorite stuffed friend

Rella has developed leaps and bounds since her first months. She can do so many things:

  • Say "Dada"
  • Wave Goodbye (and even sometimes 'Hello')
  • Understand when I say 'No'
  • Feed herself, drink from a sippy cup
  • cruise (walk a bit) between furniture
  • crawl lightening fast
  • Ride her little tricycle (I have attached a sting, and daily pull her around the building)
  • Stack blocks and put blocks on pegs
  • Act like she is reading a book
  • Mimic swimming in the downstairs pool
  • Smile for the camera
Reading books with mommy

There are other things that Rella can do, many which are more nuanced. Between Duane, Myself, and our awesome nanny, Targol, Rella gets lots of playing and learning in her day. When daddy comes home, she shouts with glee (I think I finally understand the primary song "I'm so glad when daddy comes home, glad as I can be, clap my hands and shout for joy. . . )

Haha, now I got the song in your head (if you know it) I had no idea she could do so much by 12 months.

It's not just the things that she can do. . . but the little person inside that is emerging. That is what amazes me. I can already tell Rella will be a loving, kind person. She is also curious, passionate (as I guess all toddlers are) and very aware of other people.

At a playdate with good friend Vivian (standing up)

I can't count the number of times we have entered the elevator (which we do several times a day) and in walks a glum Chicagoean looking ready to exit into the winter cold. Immediately, Rella catches the person's eye, and once she has it, she displays her radiant smile two tiny front teeth. I've seen the most unhappy looking people light up when this happens. It makes my day as well.

I love you, Rella May.


Chels said...

She's sure a cutie! When's her birthday?

And... totally off-topic... is that a shopping cart I saw in your apartment?

Leah said...

She is still just as beautiful as ever, no wonder she captures hearts wherever she goes! Can't believe she is almost ONE YEAR OLD tomorrow. Can't wait to see her again. Watch out, after pulling toilet paper apart she will be playing in the toilet. Aspen was just doing it minutes ago!

AshleyElizabeth said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY YESTERDAY RELLA! Sorry we missed sending a gift like we planned... ended up moving this weekend instead! Kelty, I just cannot beleive how similar our girls look! Honestly, they could be sisters! Oh Rella I love you to bits already :D